Issue Position: 20 Commitments

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012
Issues: Guns

*Balance the budget
*Adhere to our founding document- the CONSTITUTION
*Return power to the states (9th and 10th Amendments)
*Healthcare Reform
*Encourage companies to invest in America rather than overseas
*Campaign finance reform
*Term limits
*Congressmen should receive the same healthcare and retirement as the average citizen
*Reduce Congressional pay
*Defend the 1st and 2nd Amendments
*Audit the Fed
*Promote transparency
*Work to pass the Fairtax Act
*End foreign aid
*End foreign wars that don't make sense and merely serve to enrich the military-industrial complex
*Promote energy independence and work to make renewable energy more cost-effective for the average American
*Repeal the Patriot Act and NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)
*Keep the internet free
*Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US !
